Why LM Wind Power is part of the Windclusion alliance

For LM Wind Power, joining the Windclusion Alliance is a natural step that consolidates our commitment to build a sustainable future for all. 

DJI 0965.1
Hand Balance

In 2018, we reached a key milestone when  we became the first company in the wind industry to achieve carbon neutral operations. We’ve always worked hard to carefully balance profitable growth, caring for the environment and for our people.

For the industry to play a significant role in decarbonizing the world we need to cultivate a diverse talent pool. We need to create and promote an environment where everyone feels welcomed and included, and we can do so only by teaming up with other industry players.


The Windclusion Alliance is a platform which helps us share best practices across the globe, learn from each other, assess challenges ahead and suggest viable solutions.

Most importantly – inspire each other to embrace diversity, respect and appreciate every individual's unique skillset.

Frequently asked questions

We know that there can be a lot of questions